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Two of our absolute best-sellers are fresh off the (re-)printing press!
Explore dark magic, wild magic, and runic magic with Milando's Guide to Magical Marvels...
...or dive into Wanderer's Guide to Merchants & Magic to make buying, selling, and trading magic items in 5E a blast!
The Ultimate D&D 5E Campaign Resources

Buying & Selling Magic Items in 5E
Tons of legendary loot, magic shops, player options, pricelists, and guides for creating magic items!
Wanderer's Guide to Merchants & Magic also includes 3 epic adventures!
Wanderer's Guide to Enchanted Emporiums comes with epic marketplaces and a robust enchanting system!
Articles for You
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The Perception Problem in 5E
5E Dungeons & Dragons has a problem with Perception. When do you ask for Perception checks? And what is the difference between Perception and Investigation?
Pricing Magic Items in 5E D&D
This guide provides everything you need to know about pricing magic items in D&D 5E. It looks at the main issues about how magic items are priced according to the official rules and provide solutions to these problems.
Best Magical Secrets Spells for 5E Bards
This guide takes you through the best spells bards can choose as their Magical Secrets in D&D 5E. Counterspell, Revify, Wall of Force, Heal, Simulacrum, Wish, and much more...